Sunday 28 March 2010

Honestly this is probably the closest of my dream becoming a reality on earth and the Arabs got here first. Solar City Masdar. I am not even sure if it is "complete" but on a project as such, it may just evolve, although, basically, I know that a huge landmass will contain the urban legend of Masdar. This place, no cars are allowed, and no crap. The whole thing is powered by the sun. If you don't like it there, get on ya mule and leave for Dubai where you can purchase any petrol car you like and talk bull all day long about money.

This may be a little off topic, but can someone explain to me the difference between a lady's razor and a man's one? I'm finding the only difference a huge price one to be honest... Yeah I bought a pack of lady razors for $2.50 for 20 versus $5 for 5 male ones. Now, they perform completely the same in my humble opinion and look pretty much identical to be frank. Biggest scam I ever heard.

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