Friday 5 August 2011

So, after being used as a peeler around here (as usual), i'm getting very bored with it all. Hoping to get going again soon. As I suspected, a large majority of residents here are plain skint, or claiming the dole... It's Friday night here and still the talk is high pitched and in good spirits, I guess. There is someone here, i'd like to get to know better, but time will tell. These communal arrangements are always complicated. From what I can see, if you have at least one decent tattoo, or a variety of piercings, you'd go far down here at Franklyn village accomodation. You'd be "in" so to speak. As per me, i'm ravy & piggy so i'll just have to sit it out for now. It's a lonely life. Man that's getting rowdy out there, I can almost hear them scratching. I'm sure, give it an hour or two and the uniformed peelers will prolly show up again. Yesterday I spotted them arrive on 3 occasions, if this keeps up, we should chip in and at least provide a coffee machine. I'm getting sick tired of running down to the kitchen to fill up all the time. Really, it's not that funny, no.

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