Thursday 26 May 2011

I am confused. After looking into bankruptcy, it seems that it doesn't make any difference at all with regards to using a bank machine etc. Once the bank discharges you, they let you open a bankruptcy account which is exactly the same as the account you used previously. Such a load of BS. Really that term should be phased out. I found this out by investigating some bank managers that are or were indeed technically themself bankrupt...

Tuesday 24 May 2011

After a lot of walking around, a house I frequently passed made me suspicious... The mailbox is full and the garden overgrown. I'd say judging by the area the price would fetch up to 350/400K However as I went nearer, it was clear to see it has been wrecked... All the place smashed to pieces, but structurally sound. A person like me would make easy work repairing it, but that's not the point. Obviously this must be a bad area. It would seem like the previous occupant just fled or moved, who knows. Something doesn't add up about it though. A person I met a while back admitted they hated living in this town and i am beginning to see why. It was a female. It is complicated to explain and incidentally the area they lived had one of the highest price tags with no finance on it... I am trying to get working, but certainly this is not easy. Honestly, I don't think this place is worth the hassle. Going back to UK is not that easy either with flights cancelled due to weather etc.

Monday 23 May 2011

Back in day as a nipper, I used to almost pride myself on being well-built. IE relatively good shape/muscle etc. I was reading about some of the things that bodybuilders get upto. Not a lot of them are "honest" lets say. There's this stuff called synthol. Man i'm near tempted to try it myself, it's credited as being basically, instant muscle. Read up on it, it's whacked, but all in all, it's fake. It's basically oil you inject into your muscles...
Another thing that used to be fun was arm wrestling. I really took this seriously at one point, not to silly levels, but still competetive. I can't understand folk not wanting to do weights and stuff, without all the phoney hollywood stuff.

Sunday 22 May 2011

I was thinking the other day, while driving somewhere how ace it used to be when you could smoke anywhere (like on the bus or train etc). I don't believe that banning them on public transport was a good idea at all. It is hard to explain, and I don't even smoke anymore. I remember being a non smoker and going on a bus that had a few smokers onboard and really wasn't upset at all. These days people smoke ecigs anyways, so really that old trick of OH NO NOT A SMOKER is wearing thin.

Saturday 21 May 2011

So after being in Aus for a while now, honestly, I don't really like it that much, but I have not been many places really. It's basically what I expected. The people are ok I suppose but again my contact with them has been very minimal. There's lotsa golddiggers in these towns, a quick look at the back page of any local newspaper will confirm this... Not really the kind of women you want much to do with long term... In the UK some of the companies I was employed with had a soloution to this, primarily to employ some office git to keep these types away from any real work that was going on. IE the top manager would likely, very likely employ several other managers in order to keep it at bay.

Friday 20 May 2011

I was thinking the other day about debt. esp. country debt. This country and all countries borrow from one another. My understanding is that currently Australia is owe 300 Billion to where, I don't know. The other thing that was a bit concerning, is that, depending whatever party is in power, in a large country for example, it is possible to credit blacklist an entire state, which is what I heard is currently happening to this queensland area or is trying to happen anyways.
The good news is that apparently this is the day of Rapture May 21st 2011 so therefore it probably isn't worth worrying about, according to internet reports...
A strange question someone asked me the other day, was, what is it you would like to be known for? As in, a trait or skill, that I particularly take enjoyment in participating in. It took me a while to think about this. Just being a good human is the most obvious thing I could think of. I can only confirm this through brief recent discussions with family and by way of mild suggestions for company and possibly a social life of some kind through a quick run down of a group sitting of my sisters facebook page. I can't believe the amount of contacts she knows, and some of them would be worth my time also. Personally I don't use that website, but when you see it in action, it could be useful I suppose.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Today was not so good as now I am a bankrupt to the sum of £1400 to my uk bank. There seems no other way. Only now are jobs starting to materialise... Oh well, you know what these bankrupts are like.

Some information about this is available here:-

Monday 16 May 2011

This is now the 2nd time I have quit smoking. So, honestly, it is easy. Some information somewhere was saying that it is harder than coming off heroin which I highly doubt, but indeed, nicotine is quite addictive. Still to get a job here, been trying agents. Trying to go for mining. Bored badly. Well, time for a walk. That 18stone I lost in weight is tightening up now, or at least starting to...