Wednesday 23 November 2011

Something that doesn't seem to have reached any kind of settlement over in NZ is one great oversight of mankind and basic humanity. It transpires that much to my surprise, and indeed I was very very surprised to learn that schools here do not have a dinner lady!! Guys here tell me that it's been this way for over 20 years!! Kids have to take their own dinner money to school or usually take their own food in. This to me is an outrage. Surely a man such as John Key or some of these other politicians can see their way to paying for a simple frikn' pleasure of being at school such as the dinner lady!? This is something I always took for granted at my education establishment in the UK, we always got these basics, paid for by the taxes of working people. Honestly, if we didn't have custard and those types of basics at school, the place would have been deserted (pardon the pun.) Even the teachers got free meals as a perk of the job. In fact, I doubt even the teachers would have attended, if the meals weren't provided. The man who solves this, will truly win over here. You can thank me later John...

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