Sunday 28 August 2011

After piecing together a lot of information from the internet, things are probably worse than I originally thought. As suspected, media has done a teriffic job playing down events but basically here it is. 23 Banks in Thailand have been bombed this year. An Irish bank was bombed not long ago. In China the same thing has been happening, with one employee, recently throwing a flamebomb onto his collegues after being sacked. In Iraq, the banks there got bombed also as the local police and military were picking up their pay. A year ago, in Athens the same thing happened after a power struggle, the central bank there got blown to bits. Last year, a JP Morgan got blown to bits. In Pakistan, several banks have been destroyed, some of them private facilities. HSBC bank machines have also had explosive devices attached to them at several locations. Same thing in Nigeria and Ottowa, Canada. These are only the tip of the iceberg, from what information I have, which is pretty minimal. Trying to picture the scene from a few paragraphs is hard to imagine, but literally, I can't be bothered linking all the youtube clips to prove it. Things are ill out of hand these days and that's a fact.

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