Wednesday 7 September 2011

So that's it for another day. Nothing but incredible moans and groans from the residents as usual, particularly some of the maturer aged, retired types, all, very annoyed with their government about issues that I really can not solve for them. Things like, immigrants from the poorer countries taking the jobs, to companies like car makers selling up, to mental wards that are not being funded anymore, the list is endless... For now, I must rest, as really, I can not deal with it much more. There has been extensive bitter tradeoffs about stuff like this for years, the last one I heard about was in Norway. As per where I am just now, I am unsure really. I don't follow any of the political parties at all and really have no time for it. I don't even class it as an occupation or a trade, more of a form of wizardry, that became marginally legal around the 19th century. I have never voted ever in my life, despite being given this right as a taxpayer at 16 years old. It doesn't mean I don't agree with some of the policies, but really, it makes pretty much no difference at all, no matter who is playing with the cards. The image above I found quite explains how this year is panning out better than the TV, credits to whoever made it.

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