Saturday 7 November 2009

Listen, fool. Years ago, some guy had this idea about flying. Basically, it never got off the ground, ahahaha. Half a century passed and then, then the technology changed, and now it is real. $35K USD get you a Gen-4. Ok, it's not new, I think it came out around 2006, but sometimes, it's better to let technology like this "settle" for a few years if you know what i mean... I'm guessing, these are being bought now. My point was though, it has been done before, but not on a commercial level, so the original guys idea, eventually did take shape and in a much better way than he could have delivered at that point in time. Strange, but true :)
Surely you'll want to check their site. Of course, you might like to take a little course in mandarin before attempting to decipher this incredible inventions small print, but you'll get the idea.

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