Sunday 20 February 2011

A full moon, perfect for extracting teeth roots...

So, there you have it... An extraction that went wrong by a dentist, finally, sorted. The second part of the root came out with a bit of a fight. After roughly quarter a bottle of Bacardi (I hate that stuff, but for dental extraction, sure.) I used the pliers again and
twisted the remaining piece in a clockwise motion until good and loose. It came out in a sideways angle and at the moment I am waiting on the clot to heal using nothing but a piece of tissue. Very glad to have this sorted because I was getting run round in circles about having to go and get X-Rays and probably be hospitalised in order to finish this job. Of course I am annoyed about it, but am just glad it is over. I have some other dental work, which I can probably pull off myself also, but it's not that bad. The next port of call is a good scrape all round and that I will do using salt and a mixture of decent toothpaste, this always goes a long way to getting stains off the inner side of the teeth. Currently the outer side is pretty not bad, but with lots of smoking and tea drinking etc the inner side can quickly get black before you know it. Another thing that messes up teeth is antibiotics, so just remember that.

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